Sunday 29 April 2012

Recipe Perut Ayam Cake

Cakes taste sweet to the material developers instant yeast is named after a chicken stomach because the cake is a round circular shape resembling chicken entrails.

Stomach Chicken Ingredients:

Cake flour, 125 grams
Instant yeast, 1/2 teaspoon
Cassava, 50 grams, fiber waste
Baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon
Egg whites, 2 eggs
Egg yolks, 1 egg
Water, 75-100 ml
Sugar, 50 grams
Salt, to taste
Cooking oil, 1 liter
How to make Chicken Eggs:

Mix the flour, yeast, baking soda and tape. Knead until smooth.
Add the eggs while diuleni for 15 minutes.
Add water, sugar and salt and stir well. Allow the dough for 15 minutes.
Pour the batter in a plastic triangle.
Heat oil, spray the dough circle. Fry until cooked and browned. Remove and drain.
Serve with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

To be well shaped, spray the dough quickly.
Tape can be replaced cassava mashed bananas.
For 10 pieces of Chicken Stomach


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