Sunday 29 April 2012

Recipe Nugget With Milkfish Fish

Milkfish Fish Nugget materials:

Milk and meat without skin 500 grams of thorns
Chicken eggs 3 eggs
Tapioca flour 2 tablespoons
750 ml of cooking oil, for frying
Milkfish Nugget seasoning:

4 cloves garlic, minced
Chopped onion 3 teaspoons
1 stalk leeks, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
salt to taste
Sugar to taste
1 teaspoon pepper
The coating material:

Chicken egg 1 egg, beaten
Cake flour, 100 grams
Flour pangko / panir 100 grams
How to cook Fish Milkfish Nugget:

Heat oil and saute garlic and onions until fragrant. Lift.
Mix the other ingredients and seasonings and stir well.
Pour batter in pan measuring 15x15x3 cm box lined plastic. Flatten.
Heat the pan steamer, steam the dough until cooked about 15 minutes. Remove and let cool, cut into blocks.
Roll the dough in flour until blended. Dip in remaining beaten egg, remove from heat. Dredge in flour pangko / panir.
Heat oil and fry until golden brown batter. Remove and drain. Serve Milkfish Fish Nugget warm.
For 15 pieces

Use coconut milk strainer, to separate the meat from thorns, or you can also use the grinder after mashed fish skinned.


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