Sunday 29 April 2012

Recipe Petai Balado Shrimp

Materials Petai Balado Shrimp:
Pancet prawns, 300 g, discard the head, fried
Banana, 10 seeds, split into 2 parts
Tomato, 1 piece, cut into 8 pieces
Acidic water, 1 tablespoon
Shrimp broth, 50 ml
Cooking oil, 2 tablespoons
Subtle spice:

Red peppers, 5 pieces
Cayenne pepper, 3 pieces
Onions, 5 points
Garlic, 2 cloves
Salt, to taste
Granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon
How to cook Shrimp Petai Balado:

Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant.
Pour broth, tamarind water, a banana, and tomato. Ripe banana and cook until water is shrinking.
Enter the shrimp, cook until the flavors to infuse. Lift and Serve.
For Petai Balado Shrimp Serves 2


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