Sunday 29 April 2012

Recipe Soto Banjar


1 whole chicken Kampung (tips: the hen and not too young, plump)
1 ½ liters chicken stock
In a cloth, wrap and tie it neatly:

5cm cinnamon
3-4 cardamom grains
4-6 cloves
3-4 items of interest comb
-1 ½ grains of nutmeg

10 spring onions
5 cloves garlic
salt to taste
pepper to taste
a handful of shelled pistachios (tips: walnut flush with hot water, so you can easily peel off the tough skin of walnuts, walnut sauce as a soup thickener)

Suun white, soaked until soft
Duck egg, boiled until cooked
Diamond, cut into thin ²
potato cakes
1 tablespoon of cash-cash (as flavor enhancer)
2 tablespoons butter Yamin (for yellow and tasty soup broth)
5 leaves instead of (as fragrances broth soup)
fried onions
celery, cut into thin (optional)
Sauce: chili sauce and then steamed with garlic puree and salt and fry until cooked, add a few tablespoons of water, according to taste.

How to Make Soto:

Boil chicken with herbs that have been tied with cloth
Saute the spice paste until fragrant, then insert it into the chicken stew
Once the chicken is cooked, the soup into soup, add cash and cash-leaf dressing
Put seasonings
Enter the butter Yamin just want to turn off the stove after
² shredded chicken, if you want more tasty, the chicken is sauteed with disuwir ² butter and garlic seasoning, pepper, salt, stir-fry until fragrant
Serve with rice cake, suun, ² sliced ​​egg, potato cakes, orange juice and sauce.


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