Sunday 29 April 2012

Recipe Lumpur Cake

Lumpur Cake Ingredients:

Flour, 500 grams
Potatoes, 250 grams, steamed, mashed
Santan, 800-850 ml of 1 coconut
Butter / margarine, 250 g, thawed
Chicken eggs, 4 grains (250 grams)
Sugar, 250 grams
Salt, to taste
Vanilla, to taste
Young coconut, 1 fruit, take the meat
Raisins, to taste
How to make  Lumpur  Cake:

Combine eggs, sugar and vanilla, beat until whites (about 10 minutes). Enter thepotatoes and stir well.
Stir in the flour gradually, stirring until blended. Pour the coconut milk and salt and stir well.
Enter the butter / margarine liquid and stir well.
Heat the mold, spread with margarine. Pour the batter into the mold.
Add coconut and raisins. Close the mold, cook until done.
Remove and serve.
Lumpur  Cake for 15 pieces

Lumpur  Cake Tips:

If the dough is not flat and smooth, strain the mixture.
If you want to insert the contents visible when the dough was half cooked.
Contents can be changed according to taste.


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