Saturday 28 April 2012

Recipe Ayam Pelalah (Bali)

2 pcs of chicken breast
1 pc lemon, take the water
Spices that are:

5 pcs onion
6 cloves garlic
3 cm kencur
3 cm galangal
3 btr hazelnut
3 cm turmeric
2 stalk lemongrass, finely sliced
Lbr 1 bay leaf
4 pcs of cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon salt
25 grams of brown sugar

Sambal Chicken glutton:

5 pcs onion, thinly sliced, fried
5 cloves garlic, thinly sliced, fried
3 pcs red chilli, finely sliced​​, fried
1 pcs tomato
1 teaspoon shrimp paste fried
How to cook Chicken glutton:

Brush the chicken breast with herbs that have been crushed until blended well.
Charcoal grilled over coals until cooked and aromatic.
Chill, shredded, shredded meat and set aside.
Pestle / puree the ingredients for the sauce, put a squeeze of lemon juice, stirring until blended.
Combine seasoning sauce was with shredded chicken, stir until blended


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